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SVC article

A Halloween treat from SVC

October 27, 2023

There are no tricks at SVC Solutions, only treats. And as a very special treat for our customers old and new, we have created this Halloween offer to help put an end to your staff training nightmares.

It may not be a slasher movie, but for just a few days we will be slashing our prices as SVC offers 25% off all of its training courses booked by October 31st.

Famous for our ‘dare to be different’ approach, which sees staff engaged and energised rather than seeing their enthusiasm killed off one by one by a series of PowerPoint slides, here at SVC you sure of an enlightened experience with trainers you can trust.

Our team of expert trainers and course leaders have years of experience in creating the best learning environment for your teams and making sure the skills they learn will deliver productivity and profitability at the same time as boosting the confidence and core skills of your staff.

Are there people within your business right now who are crying out for professional development? With the right training or coaching these same members of your team might just provide the answers to some of your biggest business headaches.

Whether you are looking for the essential training for Health & Safety in the office, or you have more specific needs to boost the abilities of your managers or sales staff, there is a course at SVC that will provide the intervention your business needs.

So avoid the scary tales of poor customer service and slow sales figures, and instead find a happy ending to your business by building a story of success and investment in people.

Book your next training course with SVC before October 31 and quote the reference code SPOOKYOFFER in order to claim your 25% discount on any SVC training course. You’d be dead in the head to miss out!